Helping Learners Help Themselves
Resources and mini lessons in English and Maths for primary pupils. These resources can be used for small groups, supporting individuals, distance learning or home schooling. Website warning! This website actively avoids the use of power points and worksheets.
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Short videos to use at home or in school to support learning.
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Rachel's Go-To Books
Rachel's recommended books for learning.
The Lazy Teacher's Handbook: How Your Students Learn More When You Teach Less (Independent Thinking Series)
From lesson planning to assessment, and from whole class teaching to group work (yes, he does group work, what of it?!), how can you set things up in such a way that they are doing more and you, the teacher, are doing less. Not so you can put your feet up, but so you can be freed up to do the things that only you can do. To employ fully what the great education academy Gert Biesta refers to as ‘the gift of teaching’. It’s an approach that Jim has also brought to his role now as a school head, looking at the day-to-day way school works and redesigning it so that everyone still has the energy and the time to breathe, to smile, to be nice to each other and to do their jobs to the very best of their abilities. For an incredibly entertaining and engaging speaker with practical classroom and leadership ideas a-plenty, plus an approach that has helped thousands get that all-elusive work-life balance cracked, Jim is clearly the lazy choice. Find out more at

Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally
This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It's about the dance that happens behind positive engagement the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students. Some of the best learning takes place when, rather than imposing on young people a pre-determined curriculum, you find the stimulus that is relevant and engaging for them and build from there. Then the curriculum starts to emerge in a way that simply hooks students into learning almost despite themselves. There is nothing for them to push against (What's the point?! This is boring..! ) as they have helped shape the direction of the lesson in a way that makes it real and useful to them. All this without them even realising what is going on! They have been lured into learning and the process is shared with teachers in this book, with examples as to how it can be done and how the author has done it. Reading this book will support teachers in developing ideas that motivate everybody in the classroom, from infants to secondary and beyond. Whether you're new to teaching or have vast experience you will find in this book inspiration to raise achievement, improve behaviour and enhance creativity in the classroom and you will change the way you approach lesson planning forever. Winner of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education category of the British Book Design and Production Awards 2012.

Character Toolkit Strength Cards
This accessible and much-needed resource sets out advice on how to develop character and encourage wellbeing in pupils aged 5-11. Schools are increasingly aware of how beneficial positive character skills can be, but resources on how to develop them are scarce. This book gives teachers the means to promote gratitude, positive emotions, character strengths, and positive relationships through 100+ easy-to-implement activities such as student diaries, classroom displays and letter writing campaigns. It also includes tools and strategies that go beyond the classroom, helping to embed character education into the culture and ethos of the entire school. Each chapter will include a short introduction to the relevant theoretical background, and all activities are based on validated character education and positive psychology interventions. Bite-sized and practical, and full of ideas that can be dipped in and out of in the classroom, this is an ideal book for busy teachers.

For Flourishing's Sake
Positive and character education are increasingly recognised as providing valuable ways for schools to improve the individual and social development and academic attainment of all students. Introducing new approaches for whole school implementation can be a daunting task as all aspects of school life can be affected by adopting a new philosophy. Frederika Roberts provides clear thinking, guidance and inspiration to help you introduce enhance or expand positive education in your school. Drawing on interviews with pioneering school leaders and teachers from across the globe, Roberts weaves real life examples with research backed expert advice on all aspects of integrating character education in schools, including chapters on cultural context, leadership, and staff training. This empowering, strengths-based book is a friendly companion providing the encouragement you need, along with a healthy dose of practical ideas, to help your school and each individual in its community to flourish.
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